407-857-0889 info@ambroseair.com

The Impact of Humidity on Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioning is unquestionably a godsend during the high summer heat, but many people are unaware that with this summer heat, humidity can also arrive. While some areas are always hot and humid, many are dry, and people forget about the problems humidity can...

Installing HVAC Zones in Your Home or Business

Hiring a HVAC company in Orlando to install HVAC zones in your home or business can provide a more comfortable living or working environment and help reduce energy costs. Essentially, HVAC zoning allows you to control the temperature and airflow in different areas of...

What Steps Can I Take To Avoid Costly AC Service?

Your AC is a lifesaver when the hotter months come around, and your home is your only temperature-controlled location. Whether you work from home or you’re only around in the evenings, having a cool home in the summer is essential. However, summer is also when your AC...